Greetings Citizens of Chocko-Blocko. After all that drama on the way too Airport to collect my Uncle Chester, with my mum getting a ticket for driving to slow on the Freeway and Dad being arrested by the same office for being rude, it's looks like my Uncle Chester is is about to encounter his own problems on the flight. Read on.
Cut to:
Int: Air Jamaica, Airbus A340. 10:00am
“Ladies and Gentlemen thanks for flying Air Jamaica. Flight Attendants please prepare for Landing.”
Alarmed by the Captain’s promptitude my Uncle Chester’s future intended Wife Mampie panicked. Mampie suffered from illiteracy and couldn’t fill out her Customs and Visa forms. During the 10 hour fight Uncle Chester had devoured 2 bottles of Champagne, 1 bottle of White Rum and 25 Red-Stripes. Deep Sleep was his only option.
Cut to: Con't
Int: Air Jamaica, Airbus A340. 10:15am
“Ladies and Gentlemen air traffic control has notified me that there will be a slight delay.”
“Passengers please make sure your Visa and Customs forms are completed correctly.”
Excessive amounts of sweat began to gush from Mampie’s armpits and Forehead. How was she going to wake the drunken comatose Uncle Chester? When your Raised in the ghetto’s of Kingston and you have problems sometimes the only option is violence.
To Be Con't.